Q: What do you get when you combine a dedicated team of professional coaches + an integrated approach to peak performance in the sport of golf ?
A: You get Fusion Golf Academy.
Whether you’re an experienced competitive player, just getting started, or somewhere in between - our proven approach will help you develop skill sets that get the ball in the hole faster - and improve your quality of life during the process.
What We Believe
We believe golf is about much more than the technical elements of the swing
We believe human potential and talent do not have a ceiling
We believe you are stronger than you think you are
We believe the first step toward your best golf is an honest,
accurate, measurable assessment of your current game -
We believe in knowing how to practice, not just what to practice
We believe practice and skill development need to simulate game like conditions. Train hard, Battle Easy.

Our Coaching Promise = Validate + Guide + Provide + Protect
Unfortunately, many people go through life without positive validation. We believe it should be freely given whenever deserved. As performance coaches we know from experience that validation can help a player break through to the next level when nothing else can.
Our guidance comes in the form of creating a structured, well prepared learning environment. We guide by helping players create a clear vision of the objectives - then we build a plan to reach that vision.
We aim to provide the most informed, integrated experience possible. This means providing a team of professional experts in key areas including:
Sports Psychology
Sports Nutrition
Golf Specific Strength and Conditioning
Physiology and Injury Recovery
Tour Level Club Fitting
Because of our unique vantage point as coaches, we quickly see areas a player can improve on, but we also see what a player is doing well.
We also know that improvement and skill development is hard work and that confidence in golf can be elusive to say the least. For that reason, we are especially diligent to reinforce and protect the hard earned confidence our players develop as a result of their hard work!